Did you know? Wine professionals generally agree that the best temperature for a red wine to be served is somewhere between 12 to 17 degrees Celsius. Lower for a light red like Pinot Noir , higher for a heavy red like Cabernet Sauvignon or Shiraz, it doesn’t need to be exact. But certainly a bit cooler than Hong Kong’s average room temperature of 24 degrees. At Cafe 2 Oyster n Grill we keep a small specialised wine fridge set to 14 degrees so that when you order any of the… 5 wonderful Reds on our wine list it will be at optimal temperature range while you enjoy it. And it will perfectly complement the richly flavoured steaks, risotto and pasta on our menu. 您知道嗎? 砵酒嘅最佳溫度喺12到17攝氏度之間。 過香港24度嘅平均室溫要涼爽一些。 Cafe 2 Oyster n Grill緊,我哋有一個設置為14攝氏度嘅葡萄酒冰箱。 當您在我們的酒單上訂購我們的任何紅葡萄酒時,它將在正確的溫度下享用。 這款葡萄酒將與我哋餐牌上風味濃郁嘅牛排、意大利調味飯同意大利面相得益彰。 Telephone 訂座電話:2295 6668 (1100-2230) What’s App 5380 6618 地址:西環皇后大道西371-379號樂信大厦地下C,D舖 Address:Shop C&D, G/F., 371-379 Queen’s Road West, Sai Wan, Hong Kong #cafe2oysterngrill #redwine #winecellar
Did you know? Wine professionals generally agree that the best temperature for a red wine to be served is somewhere bet…
by | Aug 3, 2024 | uncategorized | 0 comments